New Poems:
"The 'I Want' Song," read by Major Jackson on The Slowdown (originally in The Missouri Review)
"The Houses Anchored on the Hillside," The Yale Review
"Elegy to the Sound of Your Name," American Poetry Review
"Zeitgeist," Verse Daily (originally in Ecotone)
"After Fire," Orion
"Friend Poem," Alta Journal
5 Poems, The Missouri Review
4 Fire Poems, Terrain.org, Lookout Series
2 Poems, Hunger Mountain
2 Poems, Copper Nickel
"Annual," Literary Mama
"Eggs," San Francisco Chronicle
"Questions," Academy of American Poets, Poem-a-Day Series
From Hundred-Year Wave:
"Transmission," The New York Times Magazine
"A Brief History of the Whale Fishery," Guernica
"Shearwater," Poetry Foundation (originally in New England Review)
"Anemones," New England Review
"Aquarius," The Collagist
"Tide Book," Tinderbox Poetry Journal
"Whale Study," Michigan Quarterly Review
"The Sisters," Swarm
"Double Aquarius," Crazyhorse
"Mistranslation of a Fragment by da Vinci," Literary Imagination
"Sonogram," cellpoems
"Of Whales in Paint; in Teeth; in Wood; in Sheet-Iron; in Stone; in Mountains; in Stars," Radar Poetry
"I and Thou," Radar Poetry
From Copperhead:
"The Horses," Slate
"Relic," Poetry Foundation/American Life in Poetry, Ed. Ted Kooser
"Dan Emmett Writes 'Dixie,' 1859," Poetry Foundation
"My Grandmother Plays Emily in Our Town," Poetry Foundation (originally in Southern Review)
"Audubon at Oakley Plantation," Poetry Foundation
"Portrait of Britney Spears, Kentwood, Louisiana, 1996," StorySouth (originally in Southern Review)
"Fable," From the Fishouse (originally in PN Review)
“Taking the Loss,” The Arkansas International
"Why I Run," Literary Hub
"Our Road," Terrain.org
"How Ramona Quimby Helps Kids Make Sense of This Unstable World,” Literary Hub
"To Go To Sea: Making a Place in a Male Literary Landscape," VIDA: Report From the Field
"On Kara Walker's 'Narratives of a Negress'," New England Review
"Mommy Poems; Or, Writing as the Muse Herself," Southern Humanities Review
"Escape Artists," Poetry Foundation
“A Conversation with Jennifer Givhan,” Adroit Journal
“That Has No Meaning, Just a Shape: Rereading ‘Kyrie’ in Another Pandemic Winter," West
“Step Right Up and Observe Her: On Nicky Beer’s ‘Real Phonies and Genuine Fakes’,” On the Seawall
“A Conversation with Carrie Fountain,” Adroit Journal
‘Always a Condition of Urgency’: A Conversation with Cleopatra Mathis,” Poetry Northwest
"A Wilderness I Wouldn’t Live Without: On Carl Phillips’s ‘Wild Is the Wind,’” Los Angeles Review of Books
"Inside the Body, Everything's Real: The Poetics of Maternity and Mortality," on Katie Ford and Carrie Fountain, in Kenyon Review Online
"Lucille Clifton's Expansive, Collective 'i'," in Kenyon Review Online
"Mother Desert by Jo Sarzotti," in Third Coast
"Art of Losing: On Raptus by Joanna Klink," in Kenyon Review Online
"New Maps: Idra Novey's The Next Country," in 751 Magazine
"Disinclined to Mislead Anyone: On the Poetry of Nick Lantz," in The Rumpus
"A Squared-Off Landscape Representing the World: Louise Gluck's A Village Life," in The Rumpus
"Loitering in the Wrong Places: C. D. Wright's Rising, Falling, Hovering," in The Rumpus
"Hurricane Blues" in Southern Cultures
Teaching Materials:
"The Warmth of a Messy Page," Poetry Foundation
"Learning Image and Description," Poetry Foundation
"Learning the Sonnet: A History and How-To Guide," Poetry Foundation
Rachel reads a poem for UC Berkeley's Arts Research Center
Rachel on the Poetry Foundation podcast, Poetry Off the Shelf
Rachel at the NEA
Poems and Interview at the Fishouse
Rachel and Cynthia Marie Hoffmann in conversation at Boxcar Poetry Review
Rachel reads from Copperhead at San Francisco's Litquake